Dear Parents
Early Child hood education is extremely important period in once life span. We all have learned our schooling with the means that some one is teaching us. Teacher comes narrates the things to be taught and asks the students to repeat what has been taught.
Human beings perform excellent when they do acts/ actions as per their choice, liking and pace. Forced or instructed actions are not liked by human beings. Elders working in offices have frequently come across this feeling that senior has told and hence we have to and do not have a choice. The belief / feeling that this action is mine and self, society benefit from my action is not developed. This feeling is at stage when we are grown up.
What must be happening with the children of age group 2 to 6 years?
They are on the mission of experimenting the entire surrounding around them with their senses, trying to get familiar with concepts, checking happening of this, enumerable activities they do. This is development of the body at this stage, which is like this. They listen to elders but please note they do not like instructions.
Elders should give information about various things such as langauge, maths, social behavior and may more. Do not scold the child that I told you many times and you are not listening, please behave yourself? etc..
Children do not understand these instructions. They are trying to experiment new things with whatever elders has given them the experience of and may also come up with new learning, to which they are not exposed to.
Elders should avoid teaching to children by fixed way of study based on books. Give them educational material which are age appropriate, covering the aspects which elders wants the child to know, allow them to play a lot.
Educational material also should be extremely playful for children. Preschool children learn while playing. Elders should also not expect the preschooler to repeat the poems, rhymes in-front of the gathering OR whenever parents want them to. Preschoolers love freedom. They may repeat OR may not repeat.
All the above subjects are taken care of at a well designed preschool.
We at Little Saplings Preschool Ravet earnestly adhere to these principle and develop preschoolers to the levels exceeding the expectations of grown up
Do visit our school website
National policy on Education 1986, also states the study should be child centric. Encourage children to reflect on their own learning.
Inculcating creativity and initiative is possible if children are treated as partners in learning.
Overall children's life at preschool should be happy journey
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